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Leisure Homes Fund

Loranc & Partners Sp. z o.o. has launched a Venture Management project to set up the investment fund using blockchain technology.

The originator of the Leisure Homes Fund (LHF) project is Robert Loranc.

Leusure Homes Fund registered in Malta, whose originator  is Robert Loranc, will be a breakthrough that changes the existing venture capital world, perception of cryptocurrencies, as well as lightweight timber frame and tourism industries.

LHF located itself between the old world of conventional investments and the new world of blockchain technologies, introducing an innovative investment solution in light timber frame and tourism industries.

LHF changes the mindset about investing, by giving up both the classical investment model of venture capital fund, the model of industry investments in tourism and construction, as well as the method of acquiring real estates and other facilities, enabling investors to smoothly and safely regulate the level of capital involved through cryptocurrency stock markets.

It is an open and tokenized investment fund based in Malta, with two main components:

  • a venture capital fund in which investors have units called LHF Units,
  • unified units based on blockchain, providing financial liquidity to investors, called LHF tokens.

Scalability of the LHF business ensures its global reach, allowing also the potential co-investment with industry investors, syndicates, financial institutions and other organizations.

The mission of LHF is to provide space for both conventional and cryptocurrency investors, and enabling participation of various economic entities and individuals in a high-yield project in the venture capital industry, which until now was the domain of specialized institutions and affluent individuals.



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